
Horoscopes are based on gochara; occupation, health, and age, and are scientifically written.
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Apart from star compatibility and sin value, it also examines attitudes and analyzes decades, child structure and runarani bhava attitudes.
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Time marked for good things. It is meditated on carefully and the results are predicted in a scientific manner.
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The condition of the individual is assessed by the temporal zodiac. Topics such as family, marriage, children, grihaprasnam, job, dhambhathyam, and business became scientific.
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Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects. Scientific prediction based on the time of birth according to the position of the planets....
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Vastu is the connection between the various energies of the universe and the energy emanating from the human environment. Architecture considers elements such as solar energy, electricity, magnetism, and gravity. Scientific reference to all types of materials in the construction...
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